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Time to ban TikTok, EU lawmakers tell governments (politico.eu)
3 points by jruohonen on June 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The same old:

"The video-sharing app loved by teenagers around the world is facing allegations from Western security services of facilitating espionage, failing to protect personal data, and even corrupting young minds."

Again, no mention of other social media companies, which all have such a track record on these things.

That other MSM is not mentioned is just showing US influence again. FWIW the EU should have banned non-personal scope MSM the moment it was introduced. Would have certainly helped against Reichsbürger and similar crackpot movements or other psychosocial oddities.

Why not to make that kind of smartphones which do not leak user's data? Of course, Chinese folks have a high culture of working with any kind of open sources (OSInt) and of course TikTok's approach is incompatible with EU's desire to treat people as willing to share to anybody (such as governments of EU) as much personal information as possible. Just let users to be safe using FOSS and no extra bureaucratic work of prohibiting this and that apps.

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