Usually this is stuff like fixing "// TODO: this fails reguarly in the CI" (real example from the last such PR). It's the kind of thing I'll fix if I see it, but not really worth going out of my way fixing something like that: it's just a comment in some test code (not user-facing) and the few people that will ever see that comment understand "reguarly" as well. It's a non-issue and basically just spam IMHO.
These are always either bots or people looking to bolster their CV by bragging they "contributed" n PRs to n repos. I signed up to collaboratively make some (hopefully nice) software, not to deal with a stream of PRs like this.
Typos in README or publicly facing docs are different; I usually merge those (and those are almost always good faith too, because usually a real human picks up on them before the bots/script kiddies do).
These are always either bots or people looking to bolster their CV by bragging they "contributed" n PRs to n repos. I signed up to collaboratively make some (hopefully nice) software, not to deal with a stream of PRs like this.
Typos in README or publicly facing docs are different; I usually merge those (and those are almost always good faith too, because usually a real human picks up on them before the bots/script kiddies do).