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Ok, stealing is wrong. But you're taking a narrow view of theft. Amazon is "stealing" from the entire planet in the form of labor and resource exploitation. Stealing merchandise from Amazon can be seen as a form of self defense by the almost-powerless common person.

You don't think Amazon is doing anything unethical? Why, because everything it's doing is legal? Laws are not 1:1 with morals or ethics, that's why they change. But uh, I also feel the need to point out that Amazon does not operate according to the law any more than it can get away with[1]. So if breaking the law to steal value from thousands of employees/customers is ok, but breaking the law to steal one copy of a game is not... that's not a system of morality I want to live in.

[1] Amazon is not a law-abiding entity: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=amazon+broke+the+law&ia=web

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