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I would add to this that both note apps and read it later queues/apps are where ideas go to die. One of the most important mental shifts I had in the last 10 years was to adopt a "read it now or read it never" (RINORIN) model, which de facto meant that I had to also give up annotating my RIL queues with notes and tags (largely for the reasons in this post).

Now if something catches my attention, I'll read it immediately to the best of my ability, send some highlights directly from the browser (desktop and mobile) to my Notado archive (I'd say 90%+ of my tagging of whatever I save is automated with rules) and be done with it. Whenever I'm in the mood to look back through the highlights (and comments) I've saved, it's great to have that built-in quality+relevancy+interestingness filter that comes from RINORIN.

Life is much better now that I'm not living with that constant FOMO. Even if I could read, highlight and annotate everything (I can't, and neither can you, and that's ok), I would never be able to do something with _all_ of it (I can't, and neither can you, and that's ok).

I can't always read things now, I add them to Chrome's reading list for when I have time. Sometimes they build up. If I hover over items in the list and think 'meh' then I delete them.

It seems to work for me, but I don't use notes or tags and my list is about 20 items long at most.

TIL about Chrome's reading list. Though the first few articles I read about it were about an old version and didn't work on my version of Chrome.

I do the same thing, but my move is to never go back to them. Works great. Saves time. Or something. :)

I solved this problem by printing anything on the Internet that I want to read. I print it. Staple it. Put it in a physical inbox. Get back to "real work". Surprisingly, having a physical inbox with papers in it consumed no mental space. I feel no pressure to read it all, to get the inbox to zero, etc. When I need to kill 15 minutes, I pick randomly from the pile and read. If I need to go to the doctor's office, I take 10 random documents and read them.

When I do read the printout, I highlight things I want to store permanently and put it in a different inbox which is processed every few weeks. However, this is the exception - probably less than 5% of documents have something I want to store permanently.

Details in the link:


I’m embracing RINORIN

My phones browser kept crashing. I thought I had about 80 tabs open so I went to close some.

I had 1200+ tabs open. Mostly HN stuff I surely couldn’t live without.

The next time it crashed and asked to restore.


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