True. But even those with lousy commute can come in once a week. My company currently set Thursday as the day everyone is expected to come. It's also the only day with lunch provided. The other days only those with short commutes come in. On Mondays and Fridays the office is usually very quiet. We also have out of state folks. They are of course fully remote but expected to visit the main office 2-3 times a year, depending on their role. The one on my time who is remote said he would've come even if it wasn't required since they get good value from it and feel more energized after a visit.
For one day a week, you can put up with quite a bit even if you don't like it. I don't come into our city office that frequently but I can handle the 2 hour each way commute to talk with a customer now and then and it's not that painful. (I actually have a closer office but I have no reason to go into there at all.) It's a long day but every week or two it's doable.