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Philips sell MRI scanners. I used to do angiograms with them. My workflow was to start a cheap and cheerful scan that showed the location of the injected contrast. As it got close to the vessel of interest I’d click and hold the button that started the high resolution angio run. When it was at the vessel of interest I’d lift my finger off the button and the scan would start.

This all happened over about 10-20 seconds after the injection. Blood moves quickly. Start the scan too early and you miss everything, too late and you get veins rather than arteries.

In a point release update with no mention in the release notes they changed the behaviour of the scanner - it then started the scan on clicking down in the button, not on lifting off.

A time critical scan on a patient due for theatre was messed up by me. Their renal function was poor and the scan couldn’t be repeated for a few days.

That sounds like a Boeing playbook. Changing action on button down vs up is a HUGE deal.

Great story. It's interesting that regulatory barriers create these large companies that have no user interest at heart. Bundled software and hardware from a hardware company: guaranteed disaster. Perhaps only Apple has succeeded at this.

It’s unfortunate because the potential value in vertical ingestion is quite large, as apple have been demonstrating for some time.

Only if the function was to harm in the first place.

Every single antivirus program is more like malware than actual helpful software, because malware is in fact a spook and best antimalware we currently have is a functioning human brain.

It's really sad that pharmaceuticals, akin to antimalware companies are allowed to get away with any of this.

When brain doesn't work, such punyware like antivirus does nothing. Study done in around 2007 found that 35% of IRS workers will fall victim to social engineering... Ending up directly giving up their password, imagine the fun you can do if you have a password like that and you needed to run no malicious code to steal such information.

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