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> I remember hearing about IPhone apps that can get a 90% hit rate on correct diagnosis for general practitioner style visits.

Was that in marketing materials?

> so most of the time Dr's were using their big brains for big complex problems.

I have been misdiagnosed multiple times to my significant detriment. The issue each time was doctors failing to pay attention and exercise their faculties and knowledge, because they didn't care. These people didn't seem to have "big brains" and my subsequent experience taught me they weren't interested in responsibility or accountability either. I've heard similar stories from (for example) women who struggle with conditions like PMDD.

I'm not on board with giving these people tools that they can use to justify paying even less attention.

I honestly don't think GP's need big brains, just slightly above average and a good memory.

Skills required for being a good GP are probably empathy, communication, decent memory, reasonable analytical skills, not to big of an ego. Very different from a researcher.

You could make the opposite argument that doctors don't pay attention so we should replace them with AI.

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