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Treasury expects to run out of cash by June 5 (nytimes.com)
4 points by almog on May 27, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> The latest estimate comes as Republicans and the White House are trying to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling and avoid a crippling default.

Read that twice. Imagine you weren't familiar with the Republicans' position. You'd think they're wanting to raise the debt ceiling. The NYT should do better.

That aside, this is once again great and classic W.DC political theatre. Unfortunately, it's just as effective at further eroding The Public's trust and confidence. And soon we'll blame you know who for these shenanigans? With a fair number of the shallow-minded voter buying the bridge? How is any of this a good thing in the current sociopolitical context?

The truth is, an embarrassing high percentage of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. They're struggling to get their credit card debt under control. Etc. And here is Uncle Sam *once again* peacock'ing his collective dysfunction? Shamelessly?

On social issues I tend to lean left, but I can't find any good reason for fiscal recklessness or the fruitless status quo politics that comes with it. Your best offer can't be a persistent circus and expect everyone to remain tolerant of such cluster fuckery.

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