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Show HN: Personal GPT-4 AI document assistant (chatdox.com)
5 points by zainsheikh on May 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
’m Zain Sheikh, co-founder @ Chat Dox. We are super excited to show you [ChatDox.com]

With ChatDox.com Dox AI you can leverage the power of gpt-3.5 & gpt-4 and talk with your documents. Upload documents (.pdf, .txt, .docx, .csv) and ask questions from your personal document assistance.


What if you want to interact with your own documents? Chatgpt can't answer questions about your specific documents. For example:

- The HR department of a company may want their new hires to train on the basic rules and regulations. - A researcher in a lab may need to quickly skim through hundreds of different documents or get statistics from them. - A book reader may want to know the plot of a book. - An analyst may need to analyze CSV files.


Chat Dox allows you to upload documents in any format and converse with them to get results in any language using the powerful LLM models of OpenAI's chat-gpt.

Your documents will be saved in Chat Dox's encrypted digital library, which you can access to ask questions and receive mind boggling answers.

You can also ask question from group of documents using ChatDox.com

Some notable features:

Get answers from your Pdf, docx, txt and csv. Get answers from group of documents.

Get 100x better answers using gpt-4.

Your unlimited digital library.

Support Chat GPT 3.5 turbo and GPT-4.


We utilize the power of OpenAI's LLM models to embed each document using their APIs. Your questions will then be matched to these embeddings to provide you with results.


Upload your documents (.pdf, .csv, .txt, .docx)

Saving Conversations.

Ask Question (individual | group of document).

Delete Files.

Live Support.

gpt-4 supported.

Get answers with their source.

Future plans:

We are continuously working to make it more accessible by integrating it with WhatsApp, Slack and other notable messengers. Additionally, we are building different use cases for various industries, such as creating questionnaires from documents, generating analysis from CSV files, making presentations from your documents and create your social media content for you from your data.

Upcoming Features:

Improve answer quality.

Chat Dox in WhatsApp.

Create content from documents. (presentations, analysis, questionnaire, social media content)

We want you to try our service and make your life easier.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to get your documents speak to you.

> Your documents will be saved in Chat Dox's encrypted digital library, which you can access to ask questions and receive mind boggling answers.

shouldn't it say: "documents will be uploaded to openAI."

I may sound critical. But how do you plan to compete with millions of other services doing exactly the same? first which came to my mind: pdf.ai

Here's my take on launching a business like this. Feel free to ignore it if you disagree because I could very well be wrong:

These kinds of tools are potentially very useful and the underlying tech is pretty neat, but they are marketed the wrong way. Normal users want a problem solved, not a tool. And there's several tools like this now. This one may be way better than the others, but a consumer will just see them all as equal competitors.

You could sell the same system into a professional market that has to manage a lot of documents for a lot more money. Go talk to someone who is overwhelmed by documents (lawyers, law enforcement, auto insurance, construction, whatever industry you think has money and an acute problem) and figure out what solving this problem actually looks like for them. Then sell that solution. It could be as simple as re-packaging the existing solution but explaining how it solves a specific problem for a specific type of user.

Nice. You read my mind. This is actually a generic tool. I am working on 3 use cases of different industries and implementing this feature for their specific industry.

Sorry, 100% of AI services now limit to x questions / day. It's impossible to be practical.

My expectation is, trained once, and "free questions" later. Why put number of questions/day in pricing though.

Predictable and practical pricing for me, should only depends on training data size.

Presumably because OpenAI charges per-request fees. These services aren't training an in-house model, but are leveraging an LLM via an API and they have to pay those fees.

(I'm not saying this to imply that building a service like this is simple just because an API is used - there's still a lot of plumbing work and designing a way to manage document embeddings, etc).

What's the difference between this and the countless chat with your docs tools? Including free ones.

I have the same question. It’s not clear what the usability differentiation is here. Why pay laughable amounts per question for GPT wrapper saas one trick ponies requiring email and credit card details instead of pulling one of hundreds of packages down from github (upon the backends of which these saas are built) that do exactly the same thing in exactly the same way, often with better functionality and UX for free with more active development and community support. The pricing of this as tends to be the case with these is err.. optimistic.

Yes you are partially right. You can avail free versions but cannot avail the whole experience. We are providing the complete package where user can ask question from not only single document but group of questions. Also these tool require vector storages if you want to save your data for future use. We are doing it for users. Not everyone knows how to work with github. And if everyone knows about how to work with git repos then there is an alternate solution for almost every paid app out their including open AI

Is this service suitable for confidential documents? If so, how does that work?

Your documents are saved in vector storages in embedding form.

Do you have a comparison with Chatbase and SiteGPT ?

no, Chatbase is scrapping websites with their owners permissions and provide a chatbot for the websites. We are doing the same thing but for files.

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