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Technical issues plague Ron DeSantis’s campaign announcement on Twitter (techcrunch.com)
89 points by doener on May 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Why is this story being buried? It's clearly of high interest to the HN audience.

Well, I think Musk's weird fanbase tend to flag unfavourable St Car stories, but also, well, "new-Twitter is a broken mess" is just getting a bit _old_ at this point. There's only so long that "social network in decline due to poor management" can stay in the headlines.

(See also, HN's coverage of the decline and fall of Digg; started off dramatic, but eventually just slipped away into "wait, that still exists?")

I’m really surprised HN is burying Twitter’s failure so hard.

Far less significant failures stay at the top for hours.

It's not HN trying to do this, any stories critical of Musk or his enterprises usually get flagged by lots of people and therefore tend to stay off the front page. This has always been happening a very long time, the benefit of lots of devoted fans.

That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

I suppose it turns out when you fire most of your workforce, reliability suffers.

They must've forgot to upgrade their RealAudio server.

Here is a summary: 'Woke', 'Socialism', 'leftist agenda', 'more guns', 'internment for trans people', 'Biden Laptop',

Two idiots showing the world how dumb they are together. How fitting.

Maybe Musk shouldn’t fired all the SREs!

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