Have you invented or discovered something on your own without any prior knowledge about whether it has already been discovered or not?
It doesn't matter whether it has been already found or not. All that matters is the process through which you found so much joy that you still remember it.
I needed to be able to record and play audio at the same time for a product I was making. I was targeting the most popular sound card at the time, the Soundblaster 16.
I had talked with engineers at Creative Labs about what I wanted to do, and they told me that it was impossible. Nonetheless, I dug into the card, hoping to find some way... and I found it.
It turned out that Creative Labs made the SB16 by adding a 16 bit sound system to the original Sound Blaster circuitry, but had kept the original circuitry in place as well (for backward compatibility?). And the two circuits operated independently of each other.
So I whipped up a sound driver that recorded on the 8 bit circuit by bit-banging, and played on the 16 bit circuit using DMA. It worked great, and felt great doing something that the manufacturer declared impossible.
Interestingly, my driver was later ripped off by a now-famous person who I won't name. I saw a post in a forum somewhere where he opined that it's safe for people to pirate because he thought my company was some unknown overseas company who would never find out. Immediately after I sold my company to another, the purchaser sued him for copyright infringement.