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Propaganda’s working very well if you actually believe this is the first war since WWII to redraw land borders. And I’m not even counting the invade-and-install-a-puppet kind of wars.

> Propaganda’s working very well if you actually believe this is the first war since WWII to redraw land borders.

I was talking about annexation wars. Not about countries fighting for independence / collapse aftermaths (like the former Yugoslavian countries or the Vietnam war).

But yes, you're correct, I forgot about the first Iraq war where Iraq tried to annex Kuwait and the US (and others) responded under UNSC authorization. And I completely ignored Africa, because honestly I don't have much knowledge about these and to be frank they aren't really relevant.

And the (surprisingly similar to the current situation) annexation of Northern Cyprus by Greece in 1974: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_invasion_of_Cyprus

The situation there has basically been .. abandoned. Yet another long term frozen conflict.

The annexations, and proxy wars in Africa weren't relevant?

I'm struggling a little to reconcile your two statements, that you simultaneously don't have much knowledge about the situation, but seemingly enough to decide that the deaths of thousands/millions of people in proxy wars is irrelevant to the discussion.

Whatever goes on in Africa hasn't concerned Western politicians at all for decades, it was not relevant for policy discussions anywhere - not even the worldwide Kony 2012 campaign had a real measurable effect. That only began to change with the rise of al-Quaeda and Islamic State-linked terrorists, but even that didn't warrant more attention than throwing some bombs.

Nowadays, China and Russia's Wagner group have essentially carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want in Africa. The US didn't care before, they sure won't care in the future, and us Europeans are way too disjoint (and busy with Ukraine) to go and clean up the place, not to mention our very own very shady history with Africa complicating matters even more. All we're realistically gonna do is make even more people attempting to flee from that hellhole drown in the Mediterranean or die in Libyan concentration camps.

Sad to say it, but there's nothing we can do to help the people in Africa, no matter how much they'd deserve having actual, sustainable help instead of their agriculture and textile industries getting destroyed by Western "donations".

> Whatever goes on in Africa hasn't concerned Western politicians at all for decades

I'm sure lybians and ivorians disagree.

Just because you personally don't read the news, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Also forgetting Pakistan-India in the 70s and multiple Israeli conflicts (some justified others not so much).

Now do Israel (with the US on the colonists/annexers' side this time)

Turkey annexed Northern Cyprus with the blessing of NATO in the 70's.

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