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Both, sorta. There’s a serialization format, and the wire message format with QoS on top of UDP. The message format seems similar to MQTT semantics, but with a few extras.

I think the wire format is fixed, but it’s pretty simple. The serialization layer (CDR) is swappable, but mostly all the same, though one of the most popular implementations uses a slightly non-standard FastCDR. Though from my testing it produces the same bytes and the CDR spec was updated. Maybe they match now.

I wish there was a better implementers guide. DDS might be a decent alternative to MQTT for more generic embedded if so.

The wireshark wiki has a surprisingly good write up on the underlying RTPS protocol:

> The Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) Wire Protocol provides two main communication models: the publish-subscribe protocol, which transfers data from publishers to subscribers; and the Composite State Transfer (CST) protocol, which transfers state. https://wiki.wireshark.org/Protocols/rtps

ROS docs talk quite a lot a out various vendor implementations of RTPS middleware. But little docs on the protocol. Did a little search but haven't found many truly great in depth resources.

OpenDDS seems to be the main impl I've stumbled across. Descend docs. https://opendds.readthedocs.io/en/latest-release/devguide/in...

(This post wasn't to say there are great implementers resources! I searched for a while for more specific implementation or Wireshark-centric things, to really explain what was what. Would absolutely adore more technical coverage!)

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