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Microsoft to Add Bing Search to OpenAI’s ChatGPT in Battle with Google (bloomberg.com)
37 points by foruhar 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Watermarks? Microsoft in a race to the bottom with Google to see who can kill their LLM quicker.

Yes, Microsoft and OpenAI are clearly plummeting in relevance right now. Do you hear yourself?

Bloat.. they can't resist the temptation..

People already left the Bing Chat hype train?

I'm not sure if that's the case. I know at least a few people who just learned that Bing exists and switched to it in the last few weeks. This, of course, is just a random observation.

Anyway, Microsoft claimed in this March that they have now 100 million active Bing users [1]. It's a little compared to Google, but it's probably a huge success for them.

[1] https://www.techspot.com/news/97872-microsoft-bing-has-passe...

What bloat? They’re offering it as a ChatGPT plugin.

Yuck. When I use AI I do not want web results. I will use Bing or Google when I want web results. The combination makes not sense and is not user friendly in my experience.

So… don’t use the plugin?

“I don’t want any guitar lessons!”


Can I use Bing in ChatGPT to call ChatGPT in Bing?

Is there nobody at MS who can't see that their Bing interface sucks. The integration of ChatGPT sucks as well. Hard to find and the UI is too bloated. The Chatgpt website is better, but needs a redesign as well.

You’re literally commenting on a link that says you’ll be able to integrate Bing search into ChatGPT directly thereby skipping the entire current Bing UI.

As always, whenever there’s an article involving Microsoft(or other big tech) on HN, the comment section is littered with people that didn’t read the article, made up a fake point in their mind, and then rage about that fake point in the comments.

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