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Fake Bloomberg Twitter account with Blue checkmark caused market dip (twitter.com/oneunderscore__)
14 points by doener on May 22, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Twitter's UX has changed. Blue checks are now just showing paid subscribers. Gold[1] checks are the new standard for verified media or corporate outlets. This seems like someone didn't update their trading algorithm to account for this change to the platform.

[1]: https://twitter.com/MarketWatch/

We've had examples of fake yellow checks too. It's a mess.

Not even remotely could anyone call this a fake Bloomberg account, Ben is a fraud here. This is the post...


This is not the account in question, there have been actual fake Bloomberg accounts reporting it, which made other accounts report it in belief it's true. Don't call people frauds when you're so uninformed.

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