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> To fully disconnect from technology.

I feel like there are still compromises. Especially for a cafe. Did you walk to the camp site, or drive 95% of the way there? This cafe will probably have electricity and clean tap water and machines to heat up the water and make coffee. Sure someone else might attempt an even more Amish cafe (even some Amish use electricity, AFAIK), or one run by a hippie might avoid having a microwave because they think microwave-heated-food are as harmful as nuclear radiation.

Honestly if he wants to make it cash only with the excuse that digital payments are so painless you don't even notice your spending, I could sign on to that. But if it's because "pay terminals have screens", then that's a level of zealotry that I'd be wary of. Imagine if he can only get microwaves with LCD screens for his cafe, so they have to work around that as well...

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