There are more cis women (>50% of the U.S. population) than cis men. Trans women are still like ~1% of the population, and that's being generous.
And there are more trans women than cis women in these spaces.
I don't know what it says (feminism failed? pre-transition heteronormative programming?? bIoLoGy???), but bizarre's the right word. (The smartest programmers I know are trans women too, fwiw.)
There are more cis women (>50% of the U.S. population) than cis men. Trans women are still like ~1% of the population, and that's being generous.
And there are more trans women than cis women in these spaces.
I don't know what it says (feminism failed? pre-transition heteronormative programming?? bIoLoGy???), but bizarre's the right word. (The smartest programmers I know are trans women too, fwiw.)