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Show HN: AIGardenPlanner – AI-driven personalized planting recommendations (aigardenplanner.com)
2 points by AlfredvdHeide on May 22, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
Hello HN community, I'm excited to share a project that's been a labor of love for me

As an enthusiast in both tech and gardening, I often found it difficult to get the right guidance that would cater to my specific gardening conditions and personal preferences. Furthermore, living in a small country, localized gardening advice was hard to come by.

That's when I thought - why not use technology to solve this? Thus, AIGardenPlanner was born - an online tool leveraging AI to provide tailored gardening advice. It simplifies gardening decisions about what to plant, when, and where, regardless of your geographical location. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, it's designed to guide you towards a flourishing garden.

All you have to do is fill in a brief form about your gardening ambitions, preferences, and available space. The tool then generates a personalized plan suitable for your specific situation.

We've launched a free version that you can try out. However, for those interested in more detailed reports, we have a Pro version as well.

I believe this tool could be a great help for all gardening enthusiasts, and I'm eager to hear what the HN community thinks about it. Your feedback and suggestions will be invaluable in improving and growing this project.

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