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Beware of the Food That Isn’t Food (theatlantic.com)
25 points by clouddrover on May 22, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

> In just a few weeks, I felt like I’d aged ten years. I was aching, exhausted, miserable and angry

What does this mean? How could anyone possibly qualify this statement? That someone makes a statement like this in the press as if it means something just makes me think that the subject can’t probably assess things.

Obviously, junk food is bad, but it’s not possible to age 10 years in a few weeks even if you only ate pure sugar.

It's possible to feel like you've aged 10 years by having one or two sleepless nights or food poisoning, a cold, a tough day of manual labor, or nothing substantial to eat.. It's not really that remarkable.

It’s possible to feel really bad.

What does it feel like to age 10 years? I don’t know. I’ve done it many times but don’t measure the difference and I wouldn’t know what it feels like to be 10 years younger either.

"ultra processed" ... cheese, fully natural and old style, is "ultra processed", innit?

There's bunches of obese dogs out there who "don't eat people food." I've yet to see a environmental obesity theory that explains that well.

Could also be that dogs are no longer mostly “outside dogs” and live to an old age rather than getting hit by cars early on

Humans evolved a natural aversion to anything that is "poison" / "foreign" / etc.

The consistent cultural obsession with whether or not food is unhealthy seems to fit well within that bias.


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