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In today's society, it's a luxury to have no responsibilities to anyone such that you aren't reachable for hours at a time.

Luxury? For a large swath of the population, that’s called “a job”. From nurses to factory workers, many aren’t allowed to carry a phone when they go to work.

But, man, this idea that the leash can’t be cut for even thirty minutes to enjoy a coffee is indicative of other problems, IMO. Just because one can constantly be reachable doesn’t mean one should. Which is…kinda the point of the café, eh?

> many aren’t allowed to carry a phone when they go to work.

Reachability != carrying a phone.

For those working at a job that prohibits phones, they are still reachable, just that emergency contacts will call the workplace instead (where someone would then deliver the important notification in-person to the employee).

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