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hey so we don't allow screens here, and we're going to ask you to leave. hmm no thanks, im not going anywhere

county sheriffs office. yea hi, um, we have this guy, he wont leave our store, and um, yeah, he refuses to leave, and, we just need somebody to get him to leave. ok, what is your location? were at no screens cafe. ok we have someone on the way. okay, thank you

"One more question, do your officers carry a smartphone or anything like that? Anything with a screen? Okay, any chance they could turn that off before they come inside? Yeah, I'm sorry. It's the No Screens Cafe. We also don't allow firearms or weapons. Your body cameras don't have screens, right? Okay, good, you can leave that on."

if they ask you to leave and you don't, it's trespassing. they have a legal right to ask you to leave for any non-protected reason or no reason at all

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