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This really escalated quickly. From a cozy, stress free environment to "we killed God" and "cars kill people and cities". Quite the roller coaster.

Too bad. If it were a laid back place to meet people and have interesting discussions, it might have been worth checking out.

Those sound like good objections to discuss at the No Screens Cafe.

I'd rather do it here from home because if we're being sanctimonious I'd be opposed to giving them any funds that further their goals, no matter to what degree.

How is such a stance not itself sanctimonious?

Open dialogue is the only way to change what you perceive to be the issue here - either by correcting misconceptions about the original intent or providing perspective to the originator of what otherwise sounds like a pretty good idea.

Ironically, this kind of refusal to engage because of perceived imperfections that somehow nullify all else is really the kind of unhealthy thinking that is most amplified in modern online discourse and arguably leads to posts like this one.

Growth is a collective process, and doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

> How is such a stance not itself sanctimonious?

It is and acknowledges itself as such.

I guess keep giving money to union busting starbucks then, sanctimonious tongue-in-check blog posts are definitely worse.

Thank you for presenting the only two possible options.

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