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There are plenty of cafes and bars all over the world where people hang out, chat, socialize. They all operate just fine without any of these written rules or the judgmental and pretentious attitude of the author.

I find more and more that people who write these daily "technology is killing the world", "people don't talk to each other these days" posts are the ones who are most addicted to their screens and looking for a way out. I can sympathize, but online rants aren't going to fix your problems. Shut your computer and phone, step out of your house and go start a conversation with someone. You can do it at your neighborhood coffee shop right now, and I can guarantee you will make new friends in minutes.

it's not that screens literally kill us and this hypothetical cafe is saving your life, it's just that they wanted a unique experience and this rule provides it. if you don't want a unique cafe experience then a different location is probably the best option

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