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I can't hear you over the literal backbone of the internet running in Rust inside Cloudflare right now

Funny since their GitHub has more Go and C++ than rust, yet they get no credit when cloudflare is boasted as a rust shop by loud rustaceans.

On that topic, go (which is of similar age to rust) is the backbone of docker and kubernetes. C++ is the backbone of unreal engine, Google search, HFT, nvidia, etc. For everything that rust is used, there are a dozen others written in languages with less annoying fans, languages that don’t force you to do [manual name mangling](https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/trait.Deserializer.html) or [copy pasting](https://github.com/nautechsystems/nautilus_trader/blob/maste...) and macro nonsense to compensate for poor ergonomics. Turns out “rewrite it you’re doing it wrong” and “<convenient feature from other language> is an antipattern” is not a good solution when real money is on the line. Perhaps rustaceans should stick to what they’re good at (GitHub surveys and spamming threads discussing unrelated topics).

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