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Kremlin-connected children grew up in countries their parents claim to reject (cnn.com)
8 points by clouddrover on May 21, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Even bands who are not so Kremlin connected these days have called attention to the phenomenon: https://youtu.be/GEWIfS7ZIr8?t=125

That said, I find being against diversifying political risk —whether the antagonism be rooted in oligarchism or in populism— to be pretty petty-parochial.

What else do you expect from former communists? Rules for thee but not for me.

They know western societies are far better. All that rage against the west comes deep down from jealousy. The oligarchs and kleptocrats just tow the line because that’s what keeps them in favor with the government.

Putin is the mafia OG boss and the oligarchs are his enablers. The oligarchs throw some crumbs to dumb and corrupt government officials like Peskov probably to enjoy favor with Putin.

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