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.....literally the very article we're commenting on? Or you can go to his twitter account, no need for reading opinion peaces, just read what the man says.

yes but the article is terrible nonsense. Musk also allowed far left wing people back on. Secondly not risking being booted out of an entire country is kind of the default business decision, you are asking of him things that practically no company on the planet will do. You don't see Apple leaving China or Blizzard leaving China over chinese repressions. But because Elon Musk dared to go against traditional leftwing mass media, now we have to deal with these attack articles and its followers who get captured by their content.

...I feel like you read maybe the first two paragraphs of the article? There's a lot more to it than just his stance on Turkey.

>> But because Elon Musk dared to go against traditional leftwing mass media

The what now? I'm not american so I literally have no idea what that means, and I find the way americans use left/right to be confusing and not how the rest of the world uses it. Please explain.

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