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FTC Warns About Misuses of Biometric Information and Harm to Consumers (ftc.gov)
13 points by stacktrust on May 18, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Can someone layout how biometric info can be abused?

In Israel, biometroic ID cards are standard, though you can request a non biometric I.D. and not be fingerprinted/eyeprinted/face-scanned [Which of course probably gets you straight on a black-list and shadowed by the Mossad, but whatever..]

I have heard there is talk now about making the database of everyone's biometric markers publicly available.

What are the risks in that, and why should someone choose to opt out? I mean, it certainly sounds like a terrible idea, but I am having a hard time articulating out the threat.

By way of prior - For many years the public had access to a database of every citizen's address, phone, parents' first and maiden names, and age with D.O.B.

The claim was that this data is available on the black market, and better to be up front about it and not use this info for identifying yourself.

AFAIK that experiment was considered a success, though the DB is no longer available.

Sounds like you could train AI to not only ID a specific individual, but also characteristics about them like race or health and use it to discriminate.

Pretty sure they are a year and a half late. By all means, do keep giving high-value government contracts to these corporations. That way we all know how serious you are with these "reports" on harm to consumers.

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