Environmentalists have inadvertently shot civilization in the foot and served the interests of the fossil fuel industry by blocking expansion of carbon free nuclear.
In exchange, we've spent the last several decades dumping drastically more carbon in the atmosphere than was necessary.
I'm a little annoyed we're 40 years behind on fusion, because a vocal group spent 40 years crying about fission. Chernobyl was a disaster, that was made possible by the Soviet gov, it was far more a knock on communism than it was nuclear energy. And yet... Here we are with Harvard grads arguing for the former and against the latter.
The Fukushima disaster has the same rating as Chernobyl on the Internation Nuclear Event Scale, and occurred in a highly regulated developed capitalist nation.
Well I wouldn't go that far to call it disgusting, since the vast majority of human actions probably result in unintended, mostly negative, consequences.