Just spitballing here, but a culture which focuses more on individualism, less emphasis on family and community. People disown their families over petty things like political differences, don't engage in their communities because they're shut up inside watching TV all day, then find themselves without social support networks to help when they're feeling down.
To be fair, political differences are a result of moral and ethical ideology. It's fine to not involve yourself with someone whose ideology is antithetical to goodness as subjective as it may be for some.
I will never understand someone who says political differences are petty. Thinking that the traffic light's hue of yellow is a shade too light or dark is petty. Thinking that pregnant women should die because the unviable fetus their carrying is more important than they are is not petty.
People who are opposed to abortion absolutely don't want anyone to die. It's a trolley problem to them, one with varying degrees of answers and consequences. How would you like it if someone called you an evil murderer (or whatever you're implying they are after calling them "antiethical to goodness") for making a moral choice in the trolley problem?
I can predict your reply, and I will tell you that to pro-life people, a fetus is a human life not unlike a 1 day old baby. If they believed otherwise, they wouldn't be against abortion, they'd agree with you.
A woman carrying an unviable fetus will die if she is forced to continue the pregnancy. The pro-life crowd overwhelmingly puts in place policy that doesn't take anything into consideration about the impact of the pregnancy on the mother. This means that they want her to die to punish her for her decision to have sex.
I'm not in favor of abortion personally but I will always be staunchly pro-choice. It's the only ethical, moral, and logical position one can have. Anything else is punitive and regressive.
See also preventing folks from getting medical care, access to support services, children having food at school, or any other conservative position on anything that drives the welfare of disadvantaged people. It's immoral, unethical, and illogical. You can safely cut those people out of your life without being petty or other vapid argumentative nonsense.