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Seriously, I'm very concerned by the view being taken here. AI has the capacity to do a ton of harm very quickly. A couple of examples:

- Scamming via impersonation - Misinformation - Usage of AI in a way that could have serious legal ramifications for incorrect responses - Severe economic displacement

Congress can and should examine these issues. Just because OP works at an AI doesnt' mean that company can't exist in a regulated industry.

I too work in the AI space and welcome thoughtful regulation.

You're never going to be able to regulate what a person's computer can run. We've been through this song and dance with cryptography. Trying to keep it out of the hands of bad actors will be a waste of time, effort, and money.

These resources should be spent lessening the impact rather than trying to completely control it.

> You're never going to be able to regulate what a person's computer can run.

You absolutely can. Maybe you can't effectively enforce that regulation but you can regulate and you can take measures that make violating the regulation impractical or risky for most people. By the way, the "crypto-wars" never ended and are ongoing all around the world (UK, EU, India, US...)

I hate to say this because it would be shocking, but computers as we know them could be taken off people.

Again it sounds extreme but in an extreme situation it could happen / not impossible.

I fear the humans engaging in such nefarious activities far more than some blob of code being used by humans engaging in such nefarious activities.

Likewise for activities that aren't nefarious too. Whatever fears that could be placed on blobs of code like "AI", are far more merited being placed on humans.

> Congress can and should examine these issues

great, how does that apply to China or Europe in general? Or a group in Russia or somewhere else? Are you assuming every governing body on the surface of the earth is going to agree on the terms used to regulate AI? I think it's a fool's errand.

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