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Ilk is shorthand for similarity, nothing more. The 'personal insult' is a misunderstanding on your part.

"Ilk" definitely has a negative or dismissive connotation, at least in the US. You would never use it to express positive thoughts; you would use "stature" or similar.

The denotation may not be negative, but if you use ilk in what you see as a neutral way, people will get a different message than you're trying to send.

“ilk” has acquired a negative connotation in its modern usage.

See also https://grammarist.com/words/ilk/#:~:text=It's%20neutral.,a%....

This is too subjective to be useful.

I would be curious to see an example of 'ilk' being used in a modern, non-sottish local, context where the association is being shown in a neutral or positive light.

I'll give you one: National Public Lands Day: Let’s Help Elk … and Their Ilk - https://pressroom.toyota.com/npld-2016-elk/ (it's a play on words)

language is subjective

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