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>I mean, it will?

It's complicated obviously, but I think "will create jobs" just leaves a lot of subtlety out of it, so I've never believed it when representatives say it and I wouldn't say it myself writing to them, but a small letter to a representative always will lack that fidelity.

I don't think anyone can guarantee that there won't be job loss with AI, so it's possible we could have a net negative (in total jobs, quality of jobs, or any dimension).

What we do see is companies shedding jobs on a (what seems like perpetual) edge of a recession/depression, so it might be worth regulating in the short term.

I agree I didn't make this clear enough in my letter. I do think AI will cause job loss, I just think it will be worse if a few companies are allowed to have a monopoly on AI. If anyone can work on AI, hopefully people can make things for themselves/create AI in a way that retains some jobs.

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