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Show HN: Extension for searching and exploring your full browsing history (lexographer.com)
1 point by pmaddi on May 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
The issue with the standard Chrome browsing history is that it only stores page titles, which often doesn't help when trying to find specific text. For example, your Chrome history won't show anything for "rsync" if the page title for https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/10r5z6g/how_to... is "How to copy data for...". Google search is great but only covers public internet content. I often lose track of work documents, social media posts, emails, etc. that Google can't index.

Initially, I tried integrating with the search API's of different platforms like Notion, GSuite, Slack, etc., but it only works for a limited set of sites and requires slow OAuth for each user on each platform.

Inspired by Fullstory and session replay analytics, I took a different approach. Instead of using the search API of each site, I built an index of the text seen client-side. This, in addition to the full session replay built into the extension, allows you to search and explore full browsing sessions even if the page was updated over time. Getting these data into users hands feels important to me, especially since most sites already use some form of session replay (like Fullstory) for analytics.

I built an early prototype which is free for personal use, and I plan on monetizing a teams version for searching across a company's documents down the line.

Check out the demo on the homepage, or sign up and install the extension to try it out on your own history. Would love to hear everyones feedback!

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