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Crash my webserver, please (no DDoS)
6 points by trikko 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi there, I'm developing a small HTTP webserver named serverino. Serverino is supposed to work as proxy under a full webserver, like nginx.

I wonder if you can help me testing it not ddos-ing/spamming requests but trying to crash it with bad/strange/malformed requests.

There is an instance running on a small server online here: http://test.andreafontana.it (https too), shielded under nginx.

The same instance is running on-the-wild on port 57123.

Source code: https://github.com/trikko/serverino

You can report anything on github or here :)

Install `siege` if you don't have it and run `siege http://test.andreafontana.it -c 100 -t 1m`; it should be more than enough.

I didn't explain myself well but load testing is not the point

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