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The caliber stuff isn't about the "bear" minimum, it's about overkill because it not working can be an issue.

Reference that Tokyo Joe article posted here a few days ago where the dude took some number of .22 shells direct to the skull and lived.

I have read that too high powered a rifle can also be an issue, as the bullet just punches through the animal leaving a small entry wound and a relatively small exit wound, allowing the animal some significant time before it bleeds out.

> I have read that too high powered a rifle can also be an issue, as the bullet just punches through the animal leaving a small entry wound and a relatively small exit wound, allowing the animal some significant time before it bleeds out.

It's not.

"Solid bullet" typically means hard cast lead; it's a non-deforming bullet. The name of the game when it comes to the "big 5" is penetration. If you hit the brain or heart, it's dead quickly. If not, it'll probably shrug off the wound.

These are animals that fight lions and crocodiles, not to mention other hippos. Their bodies can take pretty massive damage (compared to humans anyhow) and just keep trucking.

To be fair most game hunting is (at least arguably) for meat or trophy, weaponry that completely turns your hippo into a thin red mist works for hippo control but is hard to mount on your wall, so your CSAM would probably work - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heLuUd0VK2s

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