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The happiest older adults I know have one particular thing in common, at least it seems to me. They have been in a constant state of “re-launching” their entire lives. They have always been up for learning something new, trying something new, starting something new.

I’m not sure where they got the impetus to live that way. If you follow the default path of society, you are launched out a cannon at 18 or so and see how far you fly until you hit the ground in middle age and skid a short distance further. But then that’s it. One big launch you land where you land.

The major diseases of aging (heart disease, cancer, neurodegeneration) won’t last forever. The more they become treatable, the more years people will live in good health. We need to have find ways to give people more opportunities to relaunch.

> The major diseases of aging (heart disease, cancer, neurodegeneration) won’t last forever. The more they become treatable

It’s worth pointing out that working to prevent them years in advance is still very effective.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably part of the modern world, and are likely participating in the unhealthy habits of the modern world like the rest of us. The time to start changing them is now.

Unhealthy habits like…?

Too much processed food, sedentary lifestyle, too much alcohol consumption (not limited to the modern world but still not good).

Metabolic disorder used to be vanishingly uncommon and now it’s everywhere.

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