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literally all I want is the best llm

The best LLM for some might be a raw untuned Llama model so they can express more complex prompts, others may prefer the conversional tuning of ChatGPT or the live data available to Bing/Bard.

At present, I don’t think any of these top tier models entirely dominate the other. Each has different pros/cons.

Fundamentally, there must be some trade off between tuning and expressiveness, model size and training frequency (relevant to live data) and possibly a few other performances metrics not well understood yet.

I suspect LLMs will be like databases in that different models will be used in different domains.

Not being pedantic but genuinely curious as to how you would define or measure “best”?

I can imagine some kind of multipoint benchmarking in the near future. What do you think?

Moreso, best is really a matter of perspective.

For some questions I asked, I liked Bards response, for some others I liked ChatGPT. Moreover, Bard is much newer vs ChatGPT had a lot of fine-tuning data from being used for a while now.

The "best" will change over time, and will depend on ease of use, speed, availability, how close they are, rather than just the "best response" to more types of questions.

A Chat app that is good enough, but with better integrations, enterprise support will be used by enterprises. Just like why Meet and Teams gained userbase over Zoom, even though they came in the game late.

if i can't sext my language model i'm out

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