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Weird how everyone wants to blame the TLD and not the systems that naively convert text into hyperlinks.

This is also a very pertinent point.

Side note: Outlook automatically converting addresses into Bing Maps links is quite frustrating when you copy+paste dozens of addresses a day for work.

Also, copy pasting links using the title of the page as the label and putting the actual link behind a "security scan" thingie so that it is incredibly annoying to just get a blank link.

Because these systems and conventions were first. ICANN should have considered the status quo instead of passing the buck to thousands of other preexisting implementations.

The first TLD / file extension collision is older than that.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't think any of them was a big deal. Normal people don't send each other .com files, and users of .pl/.sh/.rs files are likely sophisticated enough to spot the difference. But tons of webmail users may click Photos.zip and open whatever it downloads. They already do in whatever phish mail they get, but thanks to autolinking now the boobytrapped links will be everywhere, including trusted sources.

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