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I'd love to see the full list. Also, is there a way to filter posts using the chrome extension to exclude some tags?

Excluding via browser extension is doable. We'd need to:

1. either add a ui element to each tag to let the user exclude, or create a text input perhaps at the bottom of the page where the user can enter the tags they want excluded

2. save the above in local storage

3. after the tags for the page are fetched from the backend at https://gitlab.com/histre/hn-tags/-/blob/main/tags.js#L60 loop over the stories and hide the ones that have any of the tags

PRs welcome :-)

Here is the full list of tags as of now:

  a11y, acquisition, ai, algorithm, android, announce, api, apl, art, assembly, audio, auth, bitcoin, book, browser, c, c++, clojure, cogsci, compiler, compression, compsci, cryptocurrency, cryptography, css, culture, database, debugging, design, devops, distributed, dotnet, drugs, economy, editor, education, elixir, elm, emacs, email, energy, environment, erlang, ethereum, event, exploit, finance, fortran, freebsd, games, geography, golang, graphics, hardware, haskell, health, hiring, historical, interview, investment, ios, ipv6, java, javascript, job, julia, knowledge, kotlin, language, law, layoff, legal, linux, lisp, lua, mac, math, medical, ml, mobile, music, netbsd, networking, news, nix, nodejs, nuclear, openbsd, opensource, osdev, parallel, pdf, performance, perl, person, philosophy, php, physics, plt, politics, practices, privacy, productivity, programming, prolog, psychology, python, release, research, reversing, rss, ruby, rust, scala, scaling, science, security, shell, show, slides, space, startup, swift, systemd, tesla, testing, transcript, twitter, unix, video, vim, virtualization, visualization, wasm, web, webapp, windows, zig

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