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That would be sad if why. Apple was really late to the mp3 player game with the iPod, but if you're Apple, it's not about when you do it but that you do it really well. See also: iPhone.

Also iPad, Apple Watch; maybe HomePod (we'll ignore iPod Hi-Fi.)

But Apple also sometimes does "hobby" projects like Apple TV.

(Personally I kind of wish they'd sell an Apple TV gaming configuration with a decent controller included in the box and maybe a full year's subscription to Apple Arcade.)

iPod and iPhone solved problems users had. They needed an easy UI to transition from 12-song CDs to properly tagged 500 track libraries.

The iPhone combined music player, mobile internet device and camera phone in an easy enough to use package for the average cellphone user.

What issue does a headset solve? Apple at least had heavy competition from Blackberry and Nokia back then. Here they are walking in largely unopposed as there aren't enough customers to bother competing over.

If the experience were immersive enough, I can see the headset offering a movie theater or large computer display experience in a portable device you can take almost anywhere.

But they lose me every time I hear something about workplace collaboration or gaming.

They're going to lose most people at the price. The original Oculus Quest was $400 for OLED displays that were amazing for watching movies on. If their headset is a high-DPI version of that with a mandatory tether, I don't think it's going to be very successful.

And maybe it's not a bad product. The Lisa wasn't. It was ludicrously expensive compared to it's competitors though, which sealed its fate regardless of how practical or visionary the computer was.

I think that they really need to ship it to get it from what is likely to be a good prototype to an actual polish product that really matches people’s needs. They can only do so much on their own behind closed doors guessing at that software developers will do and what people will want. The best way to improve quickly is to get it in people’s hands and on their heads.

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