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That said, I thought the rumor was Apple was going to reveal 2 headsets - 1 available soon for $3k, and another priced at ~$1.5k(ish) that would be available in Q1 of next year.

The $3k model was essentially the beta version of the mass-market device so that Apple could continue to field test software and apps to make sure that the next iteration of the device would knock it out of the park.

My whole question is - what sort of killer apps does Apple have right now that would make a headset a must-buy? That was one of the things that sort of doomed the Hololens and the Magic Leap - lack of useful applications.

Would Apple really release a device without a reason for consumers to actually use it? I'm all for AR/VR - it's cool tech for sure, but I don't see any mass-market necessities the device would fulfill. But that doesn't seem like Apple's M.O, does it?

I would love a headset that could serve as a true multiple 4k monitors replacement (with over 120 ppi) and had a passthrough. I am sure more creative people would get excited about something closer to a holodeck, but I just want endless high-res displays in VR with little to none eye and neck strain.

This is the only thing that appeals to me about AR and is definitely lowest priority.

I’m trying to imagine where it will be used most not just how home or office or public places? Still feels socially awkward but so did AirPods for me.

I'm with you on AirPods being socially awkward. Seems that everyone always has at least one in their ear, so you never know if someone you're speaking with is blasting music, talking with someone else, or actually focusing on you. Really tough.

They must have some interesting app(s) but for their sake I guess they just haven't leaked yet. I wouldn't be surprised to see a repeat of the early iPod and iPhone where people who tried it loved it and people who hadn't tried it loudly proclaimed its doom.

Tried it to do… what? The iPod was a music player. The iPhone is a mobile phone. Those are things people do every day.

What would be the mass market use case for a VR headset?

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