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How Apple catches leakers: From color changes to comma placement (9to5mac.com)
52 points by redbell on May 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I'm curious if there are internal tools to generate and differentiate these different variants/flavors of documents.

Would be even cooler if attachments were automatically watermarked/logged when sending an email/DM/etc by whatever system is receiving the uploaded file.

It’s gotta be somehow automated like that - can’t imagine any other way it would be scalable to the entire engineering base at Apple.

Why don't the leakers just rewrite the emails?

It's actually what is happening all the time, but this exactly what Apple wants. After all this is not way of protection from industrial espionage, but protection from journalists and press leaks.

Imagine you are a journalist and being retold a same secret by 3-4 different sources rewritten by different degree. Figuring what facts are correct and what sources can be trusted is much harder than if you would just been given access to original document.

Because if they were smart, they would go employ their talents in a different way than spoiling Apples product announcements.

Elon Musk used a similar technique at Tesla.

"Elon Musk reveals to Indian follower how Tesla caught employee who leaked data in 2008" - https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/worl...

can't people just diff two or three documents?

Of course they can, but two or three copies might not be enough. And chances of keeping some conspiracy a secret with more than two people for extended periods of time are diminishingly small.

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