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Turkish Airlines to Order 600 Jets, Biggest Aircraft Order in History (onemileatatime.com)
10 points by sahin on May 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Without looking at the article just by the headline - I guess it will be almost evenly split between Boeing and Airbus. I don't think that Turkish Airlines are in great shape, especially with the new airport. Wild theory - the elections will be close and Erdogan wants to bribe US and EU into not looking too close into his very close win.

Currently, with tit-for-tat flight restrictions between Russia and EU/USA, Turkey is the travel hub between Europe and Russia. I wonder if this temporary (one hopes) volume is why they're thinking they're on a growth path.

Then again, after an early outflow of Russians, the volume of passengers must be lower now, especially those flying into the country...

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