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“That trial, involving hundreds of babies under a year old at high risk for developing peanut allergy, established that kids could be protected by regularly eating a popular peanut butter-flavored Israeli snack called Bamba. A follow-up study later showed those kids remained allergy-free even after avoiding peanuts for a year.

Under the new recommendations, published simultaneously in six journals including the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, all infants who don’t already test positive for a peanut allergy are encouraged to eat peanut-enriched foods soon after they’ve tried a few other solid foods.”

Early exposure seems to be the recommended path.

I get that it's the recommended path, it's been recommended since that first study in Australia and has had zero effect on peanut allergy rates even though # of people feeding peanut butter to their children under 1 has increased significantly.

Honest Q, Is that true? I mean, A) that since this study in 2015 or so, there’s been no decline in the prevalence of peanut allergies in the relevant populations? B) people are in fact submitting their children to disciplined exposure in a significant (enough) quantity?

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