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To some people, city living is akin to being locked in a zoo.

So if you build more housing in cities, there will be more wide open spaces left for the people who hate cities. Of all the anti-urbanist talking points, this one is easily the most nonsensical.

Most people who do leave cities complain about noise, crime and school quality, not density per se.

> Most people who do leave cities complain about noise, crime and school quality, not density per se.

Talk about nonsense.

I know numerous people who have moved out of NYC to long island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and California, all to suburban or rural areas. Everyone one of them has stated that they wanted more property, privacy and less people. When they visit NYC or drive through they tell me they would NEVER live there ever again. Hell one friend born and raised Brooklyn tells me "fuck that dirty overcrowded shit hole." And I know a few more who are either thinking or planning to leave. So you are 100% wrong.

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