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Urbanism is unnatural, i.e. it's an anti-nature lifestyle. Rather than squashing people into concrete hives, the gov should be promoting small minimum-footprint houses on large lots. Brutalistic master-trucks as personal commute vehicles should go away for the same reason.

Everything modern humans do is "unnatural", but I'd sure prefer most of it over being a hunter-gatherer with hookworms.

Amitermes meridionalis and many other insects build huge urban environments that house hundreds of thousands to millions of their fellows (and farmed "animals").

Hunter gathers in Australia didn't see hookworm until colonists arrived with free ranging sheep and cattle.

Pre colonialism people were healthy and spent approx four hours a day gathering food from known managed resources.

The (North) American South was rife with hookworm in the 1910's prompting John D. Rockefeller to fund a massive public health and education program [1].

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3800113/

Great! Let's go back to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle then. To make it work, since the ecosystem can't support very many people living that way, we'll have to trim the global population down to about 1 million, so we'll have to set up some big death camps to eliminate billions of excess people. You're volunteering to be first in the gas chamber, right?

Odd comment.

Where I live I grew up mingled with hunter gathers and to this day a large number are still there .. so I don't see any need for death camps and slaughtering billions.

This is something you often think of then?

If you think the planet can sustain 8 billion people in a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, you're so ignorant that there's no point in this conversation.

You're off on a tangent all of your own.

I'm not that bright, obviously, perhaps you can explain how you made the journey from a comment about hookworm not being a feature of pre colonial huneter gather existence and termites building urban structure to your claim about my thoughts on the planet and 8 billion people.

I look forward to your reply so that I may become less ignorant.

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