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You're not building a McMansion for less than $250 per square foot. And a McMansion is usually 3000+ sqft.

In New York or LA or The Bay, you're not getting a McMansion for less than $2.5M.

In Louisiana, you're not getting it for less than $800k.

If anything - I think this pushes out who's buying a "real" McMansion probably closer to the top 5%.

It's less affordable given where people live and how much more they cost where people make more money.

Unless we're calling ugly 1800 sqft 3-bedroom suburban development houses "McMansions" - middle class people aren't buying them.

> If anything - I think this pushes out who's buying a "real" McMansion probably closer to the top 5%.

Yeah, I think you're right. I don't think America even has a middle class any more. The insanity of the housing market has really put that in stark contrast.

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