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Embracing Failure: The Journey of a Builder and Maker (timleland.com)
10 points by TimLeland on May 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Have you ever looked at a successful founder and thought, “Wow, they must have just gotten lucky”? It’s easy to assume that someone had overnight success, but the truth is often much different. It’s also easy to use this as an excuse why you won’t build your own project.

In fact, most builders and makers have many failed projects before they finally hit on the one that takes off. These failures are often the result of years of hard work and determination, and they are just as important as the success that eventually follows. This post is inspired by Pieter Levels’ tweet on how only 4 out of hit 70+ projects ever made money, and 95% of everything he made failed.

Great post! We learn a lot through our failures. We shouldn't be afraid of failure. It's how we build character and get to the next level.

Yes! Failure is the stepping stone to success. Hitting a homerun on your first attempt is like winning the lottery. It's possible but very unlikely.

Very relatable! I also went through 15 failed projects [1] before going full time on the other two.

[1] https://www.nslookup.io/blog/i-quit-my-job/

Thanks for sharing! It's always the project that takes off people notice but they miss the years of experimenting and learning.

So many projects.

Yup and many more not mentioned in the post. I wrote this article so in the future it would be easier to look back on everything I have worked on.

The true story

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