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Fake research papers are alarmingly common (science.org)
5 points by ad48 on May 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

> Sabel’s tool relies on just two indicators—authors who use private, noninstitutional email addresses, and those who list an affiliation with a hospital.

>It isn’t a perfect solution, because of a high false-positive rate.

So maybe it isn't a good idea to claim a high fake rate if your method has a high rate of false positives.

I'm especially angry about the insinuation that the problem is false research not from pure research institutions. As if there isn't a huge pressure of publishing as much as possible especially at these institutions. It's the places where researchers under pressure can hide behind these stupid assumptions that will be the actual problem, not a few randos undertaking the work of publishing without a .edu email.

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