I didn't say a complete outsider could use and be proficient with any of these. I was fairly good with 3D overall to begin with.
Actually, I had to repeat the experiment 2 days ago - after not using 3DS for decade. It's almost like a new program. But better. It took me 10 minutes to import a model, take it apart, do basic operations and try to optimize it (unsuccessfully). With no help, no internet, in a hurry and half-asleep. It's just logical. Anyway, the "Getting started" button is right there.
Blender is just freaking scary. But I'm giving it a try once a decade. :)
Actually, I had to repeat the experiment 2 days ago - after not using 3DS for decade. It's almost like a new program. But better. It took me 10 minutes to import a model, take it apart, do basic operations and try to optimize it (unsuccessfully). With no help, no internet, in a hurry and half-asleep. It's just logical. Anyway, the "Getting started" button is right there.
Blender is just freaking scary. But I'm giving it a try once a decade. :)